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Dave's Shave Of The Day #24

... with the Merkur 37c slant razor

The Brush: Atomic Rocket (PAA)

The Cream: Cella Crema di Barba

The Razor: Merkur 37c slant

The Blade: Feather Hi-stainless

The Balm: Cella Balsamo Copobarba

The Shave:

I've recently (February 2020) had a bit of a purge on my razor collection, which is something I thought I'd never do. I used to be the same about books. The thing is, yes - razors are nice in a collection but, on the other hand, space is an issue and what's the point in having stuff just sitting there, doing nothing? I don't even look at the razors I don't use. I just look through them, which is somehow, in my mind, worse. I have now pulled those razors out and will be selling them on, via this very site, as soon as I've set up a page to do so.

The Merkur 37c slant was one of those razors. It's not that I didn't like it, as such. It performed well, it gave a close shave, it felt good and weighty in the hand and saw me out of many a tight corner. It just ... I don't know. I thought of it as an efficient but not particularly exciting razor. So I looked upon this shave, number twenty-four in the Dave Shaves collection, as the last hurrah for the Merkur 37c before it made the short journey down into the cupboard under the bathroom sink to join the other razors that I've put aside to sell.

Then something ... well, odd happened. As I unscrewed the bottom of the two-piece razor to insert my usual Feather Hi-stainless blade, it struck me just what an attractive beast the Merkur 37c actually is. Look at it there, sitting on top of the bathroom cupboard*. It's almost like it's winking at you, isn't it? The little minx. As for that handle ... Phwoooar!

I mean, I don't want to get all weird about this, but really - that slanted head** is a thing of beauty.

Here's another shot of the head***. Ignoring the virtues of the razor itself or indeed the quality of the shave, which I've so far chosen to ignore anyway, marvel for a moment at the way the light overhead is reflected in - and glistens off - the gleaming noggin**** of the Merkur 37c.

As you might have gathered from all of the above - I've since decided not to sell the Merkur 37c. For some reason, shave number twenty-four was one of those shaves where everything went according to plan. As I lathered up with the fantastic Cella shaving cream, using Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements' Atomic Rocket brush, creating sculpted peaks of pure shaving cream, in my mind I was doing so in front of the London Philharmonic Orchestra, playing the greatest orchestral score you've ever heard. In one hand I held a vibranium conducting baton, in the other a brush made from the finest unicorn hair*****. I completed a smooth, two-pass shave with not so much as a weeper and came away rubbing my face in search of missed spots ... and unable to find any. Not only that, but I managed to complete the shave very quickly, even though speed is never my main aim when I go for a shave******.

The Merkur 37c, I'm pleased to inform you all, has escaped the jaws of doom*******.

Here's another photo of it with its top cap off********.

N.B. No unicorns were harmed during the writing of this article.

* Drawing your attention away from the pot of hair gel and the nasal inhaler in the background. Until, that is, I just pointed them out. Now you won't be able to stop looking at them. Oh God, what have I done?

** See what I mean? You can't unsee that pot of hair gel in the background can you?

*** It's almost like that pot of gel is calling you, isn't it? It's going, Don't look at the slanted head of the Merkur 37c slant DE razor. Look at me. Me, I tell you. And no matter how hard you fight it, you can't quite tear your eyes away from that blurry blue pot in the background. Blimey. I'm like the Derren Brown of the shaving community.

**** 'Gleaming noggin'? What fresh writing hell is this? Maybe I need to go and have a little lie down in a darkened room.

***** Obviously, unicorn hair removed from the unicorn in question in the nicest way possible without causing any harm or stress whatsoever. I like to think of it as unwanted unicorn hair.

****** Unless I'm shaving after midnight or drunk or both, in which case I'd be using the Broman razor and not really focusing too much on accuracy.

******* Which is what I'll be calling the selling page on here.

******** It's that blue pot of hair gel again.


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