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T. R Cadman & Sons Bengall Finest 5/8ths Hollow-Ground Straight Razor

This item arrived on my doorstep following a flurry of activity on eBay. A T.R Cadman & Sons 5/8ths straight razor, honed, stropped and shave-ready.

I haven't tried it yet, but I'm really looking forward to taking it through its paces. Just looking at it has me planning - with the aid of flipcharts and scale models - which brush I'm going to use, which pre-shave cream I'll be going for, which shaving cream I'll ... well, you get the idea. A blade that looks this good deserves some very special attention.

Would you like to see a picture of it closed? Then look no further than to the right of these words. It really is a handsome beast of a razor.

And there's more to come too. Like I said - it's been a real flurry of activity on eBay.


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